mel k. art & design

Corporate Design

This allowed me to gain experience synthesising complex information visually, and working with non-designers to achieve a cohesive final document to a professional standard. so that I could assist in the creation of figures and diagrams, and for typesetting and editing into the document template. The design software used was Adobe Illustrator, and collaborative tools such as Miro and Canva.

Innovation Sprint Report

The following report was made for a final QUT Masters of Business Management project, in which students played the role of business consultants (referred to as 5M Consulting Group). Their task was to propose an innovative way that the South Bank Precinct can becoming an inclusive digital space in preparation for the 2032 Olympics.  With permission from the academic body, the design work was “outsourced” to me.

Big Data Implementation Plan

This proposal document analyses the strategic opportunities of implementing Big Data Management for Qscan Radiology Clinics. As the same template was re-used from the last project, this design process was more streamlined but involved a deeper understanding of the report contents. In order to visually represent complex relationships we created flow diagrams collaboratively using Figma.

Professional skills gained from these projects:

Typesetting for corporate documents
Collaboration with non-designers


The proposed solution from the Innovation Sprint Report was to create an Innovation Hub (named The SPIKE) to assist business start-ups and connect them to venture capitalists and other resources. It was proposed that The SPIKE would be a physical co-working space, as well as an online website with global reach. The SPIKE website mock up was created using Adobe XD, to show a potential landing page with links to current initiatives. 

Landing Page

This is the first page that the user sees. Includes a eye-catching Hero Image, and a Call To Action catered to "start-ups" and "investors".

Initiatives Page

This page can be found via the Header Menu. It summarises The SPIKE's current initiatives, and links to learn more.

Hard Yakka Initiative

This page expands on the previous, outlining one intiative. It explains more about the purpose and how people can get involved.

Flowcharts for Big Data